ONLINE SWEDISH is a Swedish language school that offers virtual Swedish language courses online. You can take Swedish lessons in real time, or you can take recorded Swedish lessons. Our Swedish language school offers Swedish lessons at all levels, from beginner level to advanced.
If you are a beginner and you want to get started with your Swedish language class, then you start with the Swedish A1 course. After Swedish A1, you will continue with the pre-intermediate Swedish A2 course. After the Swedish A2 course, you continue with the intermediate Swedish B1 course.
When you finish Swedish B1, you continue with another intermediate Swedish A2+/B1+ level course, Swedish For Professionals. After Swedish for Professionals, you continue with the upper-intermediate Swedish B1 course, Sverigekurs. Your sixth course is the “Swedish writing and speaking course”. This course is suitable for students starting from the B1 level. “Swedish Writing and Speaking” is a B1, B2 and C1 level course.
Your final course is an advanced Swedish C1 level course, which we call also a Tisus preparation course.
Here you can see the order of our online Swedish language courses.
- Swedish A1 Swedish for Beginners
- Swedish A2 Pre-Intermediate Swedish
- Swedish B1 Intermediate Swedish
- Swedish A2+/B1+ Intermediate Swedish aka “Swedish for Professionals”
- Swedish B2 Upper-intermediate Swedish aka ”Sverigekurs”
- Swedish: W&S Writing and Speaking course
- Swedish C1 Advanced Swedish aka “Tisus preparation”
Beginner Swedish

Swedish A1 level course is the first and beginner level Swedish course. The duration of the course is 60 study hours divided into 20 lessons plus 10 conversation sessions
Pre-intermediate Swedish

Swedish A2 level course is the second and intermediate level Swedsih course. The duration of the course is 60 study hours divided into 20 lessons plus 10 conversation sessions.
Intermediate Swedish

Swedish B1 level course is the third course and intermediate level Swedish course. The duration of the course is 60 study hours divided into 20 lessons plus 10 conversation sessions
Intermediate Swedish

Swedish for Professionals is an intermediate (A2+/B1+ ) level Swedish course. The duration of the course is 60 study hours divided into 20 lessons plus 10 conversation sessions.
Upper-intermediate Swedish

Swedish B2 aka Sverigekurs is an upper-intermediate level (B1+/B2 ) Swedish course. The duration of the course is 60 study hours divided into 20 lessons plus 10 conversation sessions.
Writing and Speaking Course

Swedish Writing and Speaking course i suits to B1 to C1 levels. The duration of the course is 60 study hours divided into 20 lessons plus 10 conversation sessions.
Advanced Swedish

Swedish C1 level course is an advanced Swedish course. The duration of the course is 60 study hours divided into 20 lessons plus 10 conversation sessions.
Medical Swedish

Medical Swedish is a supplementary and seminar-based course tailored for medical staff who intend to work in Sweden within their profession.