Swedish for Medical Professionals

Medical Swedish

Swedish for Medical Professionals aka “Swedish for Medical Staff” (SFM) is a medical Swedish course tailored for medical staff who intend to work in Sweden within their profession. The language course is at the C1/C2 (CEFR) level. Candidates should be at the A2/B1 level to participate in the SFM course. Students take the “Swedish for Medical Professionals” (SFM) course alongside their regular Swedish courses→.

The “Swedish for Medical Professionals” (SFM) course is a crucial supplementary course designed for medical staff. The SFM course is not sufficient on its own to meet the C1 level certificate requirements for Socialstyrelsen. This course is an integral and mandatory part of our medical staff curriculum. To receive a certificate that aligns with Socialstyrelsen’s standards, medical staff students must complete the SFM course. 

The Swedish for Medical Professionals course is held once a week, as students have their regular Swedish lessons Monday through Thursday and Conversation sessions on Saturdays. Currently, SFM lessons take place on Fridays at 19:00 Swedish time. The course fee is €399, and is not included in the Academy Option→.

Candidates can begin the Swedish for Medical Staff course upon completing the A2 level (SFI-C). The course requires a minimum of 20 lessons, with specific participation requirements. The first 10 sessions allow candidates to engage passively by listening to and following the lessons. During the remaining 10 sessions, candidates are expected to actively participate by reading and translating medical texts.

The estimated duration of the course is 60 hours, 20 sessions divided by 3 hours. The reason why the period is estimated and not exact depends on the candidates, and the groups average pre-knowledge and preparation before attending the course.

For more information on working as medical staff in Sweden, you can watch our webinar titled Doctors Going To Sweden→. This session provides comprehensive insights into the steps and requirements for starting a medical career in Sweden

Here you can see the order of our online Swedish language courses. You can start the Swedish for Medical Professionals course after completing the Swedish A2 course.

  1. Swedish A1                   Swedish for Beginners
  2. Swedish A2                  Pre-Intermediate Swedish
  3. Swedish B1                   Intermediate Swedish
  4. Swedish A2+/B1+        Intermediate Swedish aka  “Swedish for Professionals
  5. Swedish B2                  Upper-intermediate Swedish aka ”Sverigekurs
  6. Swedish: W&S              Writing and Speaking course
  7. Swedish C1                  Advanced Swedish aka “Tisus preparation

The main focus of the Swedish for Medical Staff course is:

  • The construction and development of the Human body and its capability to metabolism, movement, irritability, protection, defense, and reproduction.
  • Usual disease and agent reasons, symptoms and diagnoses, examination, medical treatment, and nursing and health care in case of these diseases.
  • Usual drugs, how they act, a field of application, side effects and laws, and regulation applied for utilization of medical drugs.
  • Common microorganisms and their propagation.
  • First aid in case of wounds, acute disease, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
  • Efforts of the Society in case of war and catastrophe.
  • Fire safety work, discover and attend to fire risk and act in case of fire.
  • Medical terminology.

The Swedish for Medical Professionals course consists of the following modules:

  • Human life cycle
  • The development of public health in Sweden
  • General symptoms and signs of illness
  • Cell, tissues, organs, and organ systems
  • Cancer
  • Nervous system
  • Diseases of the nervous system
  • Sensory organs
  • The respiratory system
  • Respiratory diseases
  • Circulatory system
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Blood diseases
  • Urinary organs
  • Diseases of the urinary tract
  • Digestion
  • Diseases of the digestive organs
  • The locomotor organs
  • Diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system
  • The skin
  • Skin diseases
  • Allergy
  • Endocrine organs
  • Endocrine diseases
  • Sex organs
  • Sexually transmitted infections
  • Gynecological diseases
  • Microbiology
  • Immunology – body defense
  • Infectious diseases
  • Medication (Drug)
  • Emergency efforts

Fee 399€

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