Would you like to join our online Swedish book reading session? We are reading short books and books for children that can be good for gaining vocabulary. We use MS TEAMS as a virtual meeting platform.
We are reading in Swedish and translating it into English.
Everyone is welcome to join the session, regardless of how much Swedish you know. We will pick up some participants who are comfortable with reading and translating.
If you are already enrolled in our Swedish Conversation Club ( and usually get emails from us ) you don’t need to register. If you have not enrolled or never get emails from us, then you can register here.
All of our events are free of charge!
When is the next Reading session?
You can register here if you are not registered yet.
- Swedish A1 Swedish for Beginners
- Swedish A2 Pre-Intermediate Swedish
- Swedish B1 Intermediate Swedish
- Swedish A2+/B1+ Intermediate Swedish aka “Swedish for Professionals”
- Swedish B2 Upper-intermediate Swedish aka ”Sverigekurs”
- Swedish: W&S Writing and Speaking course
- Swedish C1 Advanced Swedish aka “Tisus preparation”