Swedish Grammar

Traces of the Old Genitive Case in Swedish

Traces of the Old Genitive Case in Swedish Grmmar terminology​ Part of Speech Noun / Substantiv Gender (grammatical)   Swedish, like many Germanic languages, once had a more complex case system. Historically, it included four cases: nominative, genitive, dative, and accusative. Today, only remnants of the genitive case remain in standard Swedish, typically marked by…

The difference between lite, liten, lilla and små

Difference between lite, liten, lilla and små Grmmar terminology​ Part of Speech Noun / Substantiv Singularis / Singular Pluralis / Plural Indefinite form (of noun) Definite form (of noun) Article (grammatical) Gender (grammatical) Common Gender – Utrum Neuter Gender – Neutrum Agreement (grammatical) / Kongruens What is the difference between “lite” and “liten” ? In…

Difference between flera and fler

Difference between flera and fler What is the difference between fler and flera? The answer is that there is no difference between “fler” and “flera” and they can be used interchangeably if they refer to “more” in the sentence, when you compare, or they refer to “further”, or “additional”, like “one more” or “many more”….

Swedish adjectives that ends with -e

Swedish adjectives that end with -e The rules for natural gender adjectives in the Swedish language Why do some adjectives in Swedish end with -e ? The answer is sexusböjning – Natural genders/ Semantic genders. The reason why some adjectives in Swedish end with -e is because they refer to masculine words, the words that refer…

Is it hard to learn Swedish?

Is it hard to learn Swedish? Well, it depends on whom you are asking. And since you are reading this article, which is written in English, it indicates that you belong to some particular group of people, namely, an English-speaking group.  That’s why it makes sense to base our answer to this question from an…

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